Thinking, thinking, thinking…

Mom: hello… what are you doing? Day dreaming?
Daughter: no mother, I’m sitting simply, enjoying the space…
Daughter (to herself): really? Am I enjoying? Or is that I’m pondering over
something, some left overs from my past or the to-come of my future???

She is right, more correctly, her introspection is right. This is not the case of a single person, but which is shared by most of the people. There is not a single moment that people are able to be “there and then”. All the time it is happening: thoughts!!!-
Thinking, thinking, thinking…
Now, what are you thinking? There is only one answer to it- either something which happened earlier or something which you think would be happening in the future. But the irony is that both of these are based on a single source and that is what taming each.
And that is none other than, you may call it, early life experiences or the rules-the Do’s and Don’ts, the faults and no-faults….synonyms goes on… Now where did you get those from??..ah.., one could say “my parents taught me, I’ve seen my teacher doing so, my grand-parents, society…” again it goes on.. If talking in more technical terms, all these have made specific neural circuits in the brain which gets activated accordingly.
But the thing is that, because of all these wanted and unwanted wiring there is a cluttered state which is being formed and one is acting from this clutter. Why this continues is because mostly human brain process these wanted/unwanted beliefs preventing one from experiencing the real moment. As long as this so, one CANNOT experience the “here and now” and as long as one ponders other than this here and now, ends up in failure in all areas including family, relationships, marital, work, education etc..
So, it’s high time to de-clutter yourself. One could ask now, “so you are telling all rules which parents gave were wrong and that they should have been very lenient…?, or how could one critically analyse without basing it on any rules or early experiences..??” etc.. Yes!! All these questions are highly relevant and has to be answered and we are here to do the same.
Our team helps you to de-clutter yourself and move forward with ease and
satisfaction, you may call it happiness- after all isn’t for that we all crave for at the end of the day???

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